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Forever Me-2_edited.jpg

our 30 day weight loss program

Say goodbye to reducing calories and Hello to eating more while losing weight!


You are fed up with restricting yourself and STILL not losing weight

You are living on 4 cups of coffee and one meal a day... And STILL not losing any weight. Instead, you are gaining weight

You have tried every single diet on the planet...lost weight... but gained it all back PLUS some extra

You are killing yourself in the gym doing cardio and eating salads thinking it's the only way you can lose weight

Let me take a guess ...

Your constant cravings for sugary or carb rich foods significantly reduce

Your energy levels are sustained and you say Bey Bey to that mid afternoon energy slump 

You can actually start eating more food and not eat like a 2 year old while losing actual fat mass

You are not fixated on the calories of foods and the stress of calories when dining... Thats all history!

here's what's possible when you have a boss metabolism

This program is for you if:

You are a chronic dieter and just thinking about that pizza slice makes you gain weight

You actually want to know how your body works and not just follow a meal plan
You are tired of trying all these quick fix diets that NEVER works
You are living off coffee and 1 meal a day, but STILL not losing weight
You want to stop reducing your calories to toddler amounts and actually eat food without gaining weight
Fed up of cutting out your favourite foods/drinks and relying on salads to lose weight
Want to be a BOSS babe (Puts sunglasses on) ​that loses weight while enjoying every social situation life throws at you

This program is not for you if:

You just want a meal plan that you can follow to lose a few quick kg's

You quickly want to lose weight for your besties upcoming wedding

You see pizza and wine as a NO NO and can NOT be part of a healthy metabolism or weight loss journey

You like only eating once or twice a day and will not give up that 1200Kcal life

You see carbs as the devil himself and they can not be part of a weight loss journey (Ps. bread is LIFE!)

Don't care to be taught boring science (PS. we don't do boring) and dont care to learn about your metabolism

Keto or Banting is LIFE (rolling eyes) and there is no other way of life or losing weight


What is Forever me?

The diet without the diet, focusing on metabolism


Being overweight as a child, I know how it feels to be lost with how to lose weight. I also know how it feels to lose the weight, but just gain it back (Hello university!).

There are a million and 1 diets available to you promising you fast and significant weight loss.

The truth is, YES, you most probably will lose weight with any one, but is it sustainable and did you lose fat mass? The most important question is if it is healthy?


You might lose weight and probably fast, but majority of the time you will lose muscle, water and gut mass in stead of fat. That is after all what we are all wanting, right?...Fat loss

In addition to this, your metabolism ends up in the trash and you struggle to lose weight for years to come.

Forever me was created to help anyone wanting to lose weight do it the right way and most importantly not feel like you are on a diet.


Forever me, is to help empower you to live your best life and keep your weight off forever.

This is where your

starts, not your next diet




Meet the dietitian behind it all


Bianca Schräder


Owner and founder of Schräder Dietitians and Forever me.

Registered dietitian with 7 years experience working with dozens of chronic dieters. She runs Schräder Dietitians from the beautiful city of Mossel Bay, South Africa.

Favourite treat?

DONUTS and champagne!

Introducing our 30 day program

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Neee Susan, dis nie 'n detox cleanse nie!

Metabolism Boss is a program designed to help you get your metabolism back!

The focus is on getting you to eat MORE (Yes more, not less) while getting you to lose weight.

We focus on what our metabolism is, the various factors that influence it and how to get yours going to maximise your metabolism.

This is a 4 week program (because Rome was not built in a day) where we take you through our fundamentals and science of being the Boss of your metabolism.

There will be 4 live trainings each week where we discuss each new topic and how to start implementing them in your life now.

our 4 main focus areas



Blood sugar control



Each week we will take you trough each topic to give you clarity on how to approach these concepts in the everyday world, because science is great and all, but what about real life?

Week 1: Managing your BS (no,no...blood sugar)

Managing your BS is one of the keys to managing your metabolism and weight. Managing your blood sugar levels are not our for diabetics. Insulin plays a key role in managing our fat storage, our mood and energy levels. Bye bye insulin spikes!

We teach you how to balance your meals, snacks, treats etc for optimal glucose control.

Week 2: Smart movement

I don't know about you, but you can not even pay me to get on a treadmill and start running. In this week, we focus on how we should move strategically to optimise weight loss and our metabolism. We look at different ways our bodies burn energy and utilise those strategies to burn more energy in a day. Bye bye treadmills! (Unless you love it)

Week 3: More than food (hormones, sleep etc)

Week 4: being the metabolism boss of any situation

In this week we move beyond food (We told you it's more than just calorie counting). Sleep, hormones, gut health etc all play a key role on our mood and need for food in a day. Ever had a few hrs of sleep and ended up binging on sugary foods the next day? Yup, that what this week is all about.

What is the point of a program if you have no cooking clue what to do after it? It's a waste of time and money. This is the final week and the week where we teach you real life skills to use when faced with any scenario.

Going to a wedding? No problem!

Have a buffet dinner planned? We got you!

what do I receive?
We don't just give you a meal plan and send you on your way

Guides to help you navigate every new topic

Weekly live group training discussing each new topic + Q&A

Private Whatsapp group

4 week meal plan

New recipes every week

Weekly check-ins

Weekly motivational emails

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Nutrition cheat sheet comparing your favourite foods

Pantry stables guide

Balanced snacks guide

Goal tracker

Alchohol guide (Told you we got you!)

plus some added bonuses
Who doesn't love a freebie?!

Total value: Over R4500!


This will depend on you.

If you do the work and follow the advice, there is no reason why you won't!

Remember, this program is about setting you up for succes for fat loss stage.


Do you throw away your running shoes when learning to run?

NO! (Why would we!)

This is why we created this program. To help you navigate life and make the best decisions while losing weight and boosting that metabolism.

I have an event coming up, should I join later?

Absolutely NO reason to wait. Life will always be handing us all sorts of situations and we should be able to navigate them all.

Think of these event of little pre-exams. Where you can try and test the principles you have learnt. If you can't apply a "diet" to such events, you will never stick to it and be successful.



This is part of our goals of this program. Setting you up for success long after the program ends and most importantly, MAINTAINING your progress and changes.

This is our main aim. Teaching you all the skills and setting you free in the real world to keep that ball rolling.


Total value: Over R4500!!

let's get to the real question...cost


What a steal, right!

We told you we are serious about this. 

This will be our launch price and will be the only time for you to get the program for this price.

We are limiting the available spots because we want to make sure everyone has the ability to ask questions and still get a level of personalised advice.

If you are not able to make a live training, we will be sending out the recordings after each live training for you to go through in your time. It is advised to attend live trainings and work with the set program flow.

Your seat will only be saved once payment has been received

only 10 spots available


4 x week meal plan

4 x Recipe books

Private whatsapp group

Support from a registered dietitian

Nutrition cheat sheet and more

Weekly summary documents on each topic

Weekly check-ins

4 x live trainings

RSVP here for our next round

  • Metabolism Boss - 30 day weight loss program
    Metabolism Boss - 30 day weight loss program
    Mon, 02 Oct
    Virtual event
    02 Oct 2023, 08:00 – 29 Oct 2023, 08:00
    Virtual event
    02 Oct 2023, 08:00 – 29 Oct 2023, 08:00
    Virtual event

don't just take my word for it!

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Join our waiting list here

Be the first to find out about our launch date of our next round.

Remember, there are only 10 spots available per round.

Thanks for submitting!

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